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Camera chuyen dụng hiệu Videotec, dòng ULISSE

Hãng sản xuất : VIDEOTEC
Khuyến mại :
Bảo hành : 36 tháng
Địa điểm bán : Toàn Quốc

Đánh giá : 0 điểm 1 2 3 4 5

Chia sẻ :

Camera chuyen dụng hiệu Videotec, dòng ULISSE

PTZ Camera positioning unit

  • Variable speed: 0.02°-100°/s Pan; 0.02°-40°/s Tilt
  • Variable speed with UPTIRN LED illuminators: Pan 0.02°-40°/s - Tilt 0.02°-30°/s
  • Horizontal continuous rotation, vertical +90°/-40°
  • Housing for compact lenses
  • Autopan, Preset, Patrol
  • Up to 250 Presets
  • Operating temperature: -20°C / +60°C (-4°F / +140°F)
  • Power supply available 230Vac, 24Vac or 120Vac
  • Internal usable area (WxHxL): 104x84x270mm (4.1x3.3x10.6.6in)
  • Day/Night SONY 36x, 28x cameras
  • Video encoder IP MPEG4, 25fps, Full D1 (compatible with Milestone XProtect Suite and ONVIF protocol)
  • Prearrangement for mounting of two UPTIRN LED illuminators
  • Germanium glass for thermal cameras
  • Cold pack for low temperature down to -30°C (-22°F)
  • Wiper
  • Optical sensor for absolute positioning feedback

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